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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Supreme Darkness

"Supreme King Jaden’s Evil HERO monsters return with evil versions of Elemental HERO Bubbleman and Elemental HERO Prisma, as well as the Supreme King’s new version of Neos, which has the power to take control of an opponent’s monsters."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Speed Duel GX Midterm Paradox Box (Englisch)

Diese streng limitierten Boxen für Yu-Gi-Oh! sind nur in wenigen Stückzahlen erhältlich!

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Die Yu-Gi-Oh! Speed Duel GX Midterm Paradox Box (Englisch) enthält:

  • 100 Common Karten, 12 Skill Cards, 4 (von 12) Secret Rare Karten
  • 2 Zwei-Spieler-Luxus-Spielmatten für Jaden Yuki & Syrus Truesdale

Beschreibung in Originalsprache: Get ready to get started with the new Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box! Just like the popular Speed Duel: Battle City box, it has been designed to allow up to 8 players to create their own dynamic tournament experience. It contains a static pool of around 200 cards from which various popular strategies can be developed, most of which are brand new to Speed Duel! Here are just some of the things you can look forward to in the new box: Brand-new Skill cards introduce legendary Duelists from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime to Speed Duel! Become the “Elemental HERO” enthusiast Jaden Yuki, fulfil your destiny as Aster Phoenix, teach the class a lesson as Dr Crowler, and more! Lots of new cards for Speed Duel to add to your existing Speed Duel deck or try out new strategies! Double up in style with Secret-Rare variants of favourite cards from the GX era! And much more! In order to use a card in Speed Dueling, the Speed Dueling symbol must be on the card. Cards without the symbol are not allowed. Ability cards may only be used in Speed Dueling.

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Informationen zu Vorbestellungen

Produkte im Warenkorb mit unterschiedlichen Veröffentlichungsterminen werden entsprechend dem späteren Termin versendet. Um technische Herausforderungen zu vermeiden und die logistische Effizienz zu gewährleisten, können wir leider keine Teillieferungen anbieten.

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